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API Reference

The ScriptFlow for Jira (SFJ) API provides a set of methods to interact with Jira. This API is available in your event handler scripts.

Core Methods


Returns the current event data that triggered the handler.

const event = sfj.getEvent();

Throws an error if no event data is available.

HTTP Methods


Performs a GET request to the Jira API.

const issue = await sfj.get('/rest/api/3/issue/PROJ-123');
  • Parameters:
    • path (string): The Jira REST API endpoint path
  • Returns: Promise resolving to the JSON response

post(path, body)

Performs a POST request to the Jira API.

const newIssue = await'/rest/api/3/issue', {
fields: {
summary: 'New issue',
project: { key: 'PROJ' }
  • Parameters:
    • path (string): The Jira REST API endpoint path
    • body (object): The request payload
  • Returns: Promise resolving to the JSON response

put(path, body)

Performs a PUT request to the Jira API.

const updatedIssue = await sfj.put('/rest/api/3/issue/PROJ-123', {
fields: {
summary: 'Updated summary'
  • Parameters:
    • path (string): The Jira REST API endpoint path
    • body (object): The request payload
  • Returns: Promise resolving to the JSON response


Performs a DELETE request to the Jira API.

await sfj.delete('/rest/api/3/issue/PROJ-123');
  • Parameters:
    • path (string): The Jira REST API endpoint path
  • Returns: Promise resolving to the response text


All API requests automatically include the following headers:

  • Accept: application/json
  • Content-Type: application/json (for POST and PUT requests)

The API uses app-level authentication, ensuring secure access to Jira resources.